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Emily Wilson
Hardware Developer
Nicola Watts
Firmware Developer
Camilla Mann
Software Developer and Soldering Technologist

Emily is a 4th-year Electrical bridge student, with 5 classes left before convocation (woo!). Everyone's favourite question to ask engineering students is "Why did you choose to do engineering?". To this, she always answers "Because my mom told me to." So far, it's worked out pretty well; from flying in helicopters to riding in autonomous vehicles, it's the lifestyle Emily wanted.


Continuing forward, she would like to apply her skills to actually do something helpful to the world and society.

Nicola is a 4th-year Electrical Engineering student. Her goal at UVic is to learn as much as possible through hands on opportunities.


Previous work experience in testing and project management helped her complete this project.


In the future, she hopes to gain experience in Human Factors Engineering.

Camilla is a 4th-year Computer Engineering student who drew upon past co-op experiences in both software development and hardware manufacturing in order to complete this project.


Camilla will be convocating in the Spring of 2019 and is looking forward to applying classroom knowledge to a career in data analysis.

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